Friday, 6 November 2015

The Tank: Environment Brief

After getting some feedback from a peer I decided to do what I have been avoiding, that is to rebuild the entire oil tank out of modular pieces. The whole point of giving the space a complex surface pattern was so that complex shadows could be cast. The way that I initially put time into was to parallax a texture that would then be applied to all the surfaces. At the time I didn't realise that paralaxing didn't cast dynamic shadows as a result I am not happy with the tank as it currently sits. So I am now going to rebuild the entire tank.

After about 4 variants this is my final modular kit. The whole kit only adds up to 1.250 Tries.

 In engine these pieces (minus the centre cone) are rotated round and snapped vertically into place.  In height the pieces are a multiple of 10 in Max units, which means that they will also snap in Unreal. The rotation angle is 11.25%.

This is one of the variants, for this one I found the forms were much too large.

 This is the current set up for the tank. I think that this is a vast improvement from the paralaxed tank, particularly with the floor and ceiling which now have a concentric pattern.  Also I am very happy with the addition of the ceiling fan. These forms now as they are physical assets with geometry will cast shadows and catch light correctly.


I am now going to move on from the tank, as I really should have finished this right at the start of the week. Here are some reminders for future alteration I may make to it.  

I may have thought of a way to make the randomly generated normal texture work with these new modular wall assets

I may also adjust the blades by raising half of them up. This may look more realistic.

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