Monday, 16 November 2015

Environment Brief: Week 3

I modelled the door and then made high polies and baked it down. I also baked the Floor Slice.

I textured the door in Substance painter.

I also baked the steps, and then textured these in substance painter. I’ve also used a little bit of Bump off set in engine to Parallax these slightly.

I also made the rocks at this point. I sculpted these in Z-Brush starting with a single sphere, using the move tool and Dyna mesh I deformed the sphere into the desired shape. I then used a combination of clay tubes and the Trim tools to create some more rocky forms. I then used the Surface Modifier to add some Noise to the surface. This sculpt was then saved as the high poly ready for baking. After I decimated this and then unwrapped it in Z-Brush I then exported the result as the low poly. These were then baked in X-Normal. I then created 3 tileable rock textures in Photoshop, these were then applied to the mesh in substance painter. I also colour picked some moss from pictures of megaliths to add variation and some colour.

 The above picture includes the finished rock. I have since realised that the large edges are too smooth, they need to be sharpened. There also needs to be more visible breaking planes, delamination’s and or cleavage planes.   But as they sit they will have to do for now.

The above image shows a developing grass material. This image demonstrated the fine tuning that has to take place when creating foliage of this type. The above grass looks alright but there is a single blade of grass that is visibly repeating. This particular slice of grass will have to removed and or altered and then the projection map of these assets will have to be repeated

This is the result of the following re bake.

 This is the finished grass texture, this is actually still a repeating blade here as well, but I had to move on.

So this is where I’m at with the centre of the room, I have finished the rocks, the tree and the hill including the grass alphas.

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