Friday, 17 April 2015

Unreal 4.7 Updates: Off the Map

As you can see here there is a subsurface slot in the material. This Material also has a new setting on it; with Unreal 4.7 we now can set Unreal to give an object the physical light properties of Foliage.

This is done by simply under “Detail” and under “Material” on the left of the Material Editor changing the “Shading Model” to “Two Sided Foliage”. Then you plug your Albedo into Subsurface Colour. This makes foliage semi-transparent, when light hits a leaf texture set up like this when viewed from the underside it will appear to glow, as the light passes through and bounces round the inside of the leaf. The side being hit though will only light normally.

As you can see above I’ve removed the complex wind system from this texture sheets which now only hold the flowers. Hopefully this won’t be noticeable. The grass will still move with a complex pattern but the flowers amongst it will move a constant amount.

I’ve been looking at foliage in a hand full of new games and it’s extremely common to have lots of completely dead unmoving foliage right by foliage that is moving.  I don’t think having foliage that moves differently right by each other in game is a problem. This would have been a major concern for me though prior to spotting it in some of the best looking games out right now.

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