Saturday, 24 January 2015

Modeling the Character

I started modelling with the boots, I started here simply because I wanted to get my teeth into something and I could easily get references quickly. 

I modelled the boot to a ridiculously high standard, even modelling the laces. But here using the magic of projection mapping I was able to cut several hundred tries out, with no loss of detail. The laces now reside on a single plain with a handful of connection going across it. Above you can see the original boot, the projection plain with the laces above it and then the finished boot.

I then modelled a very low tri body, this would be covered up, so it’s just their as a reference for constructing the coat, and to support rigging of the character. 

I then modelled the head separately 

The hands were modelled onto the body. I unwrapped everything as I modelled it. Everything up to this point has already been unwrapped. The hands were unwrapped with symmetry on so I only had to unwrap and texture one.  All the unwraps will be joined together later.

I then moved onto modelling the coat. A t first I was simply trying to model it traditionally. Started with a very simply box, and added swift loops. I also toyed with the idea of there being a bag, on her back under the coat, but this didn’t last very long.  Modelling the coat like this was extremely difficult, inefficient and probably would have yielded an extremely wooden result. I felt that the coat probably wouldn’t have hung properly. 

As you can see I have also put the character into a very simple pose. This was not a professional decision. I should have finished modelling and then rigged the character prior to posing. I did this because it was extremely quick and easy to simply move one arm up into the position I wanted and then just slightly adjust various points of the model to break the symmetry a bit. Yes this is an unprofessional way of doing this but I didn’t want my finished character standing in the T-pose  I wanted to put all my time into modelling and texturing. 

Feed Back 2

  •  It’s not obvious that she’s carrying bombs; it could simply be read as a fisherman’s wife. In the games industry you do not have a lot of time to get across what you’re trying to say. If she is carrying bombs then stick a load of dynamite in her hand.

More Design

Here I have given her a more obvious detonator and some unexploded ordnance to carry on her back.  Also as a stretch goal I thought it would be nice if she was carrying a third point of interest. But this time something sweet, nice, something to add some history, life and emotion to the character, for this I have added a necklace with a pendent.  

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