Tuesday, 26 April 2016

FMP: Design

One of the many bad ideas I've been trying for the back

New window design
Still working on the back

Monday, 25 April 2016

FMP: Maybe a Revelasion

I think I may have stumbled across the winning form.

FMP: Design some 3DS Max Renders

These are some renders to check the success of the design. I'm still unsure about including a Jet like form. The jet form above is only an extremely simple block in it's not the finished design. 

FMP:Design and Modelling

This is a functioning sporty 1930s style chassi. 

The car got to this point with most of its forms in just a few days. Progress quickly became less apparent when I began altering these forms and creating good usable forms/geometry and unwrapping.  

There are many areas here where I have completely redesigned forms from the 2D concept. Some of these changes are large e.g. the general form of the entire car is different, I've made the car allot wider and lower. The engine is mostly the same as the concept but simplified. 

I've been struggling with what to do with the back of the vehicle, initially I removed the rear "jet", I did this because it felt like this was an obvious form, similar to adding guns to a design to make it cool. A well designed vehicles form should be cool on its own without guns and or rockets to sell it. Obviously the rocket itself alters the cars form dramatically so it's not that I have an unsuccessful form that I have stuck a metaphor for speed onto (rocket/jet), the rocket is actually part of the cars form.  

I am still toying with the rocket though. I do like how it elongates the car.

Thursday, 7 April 2016

FMP: Design, day 2

I've decided to model a complete 1930s hot rod chassis to aid with the form of the vehicle. Also I like how this ancient tech will be sitting by extremely future influenced forms. This vehicle is basically a 1930s coupe thats been tuned in the Rat rod fasion using tech from the extreme distant future. 

FMP: Design

These are my mood boards for this 3rd FMP vehicle. I've been particularly drawn to images featuring highly complex unknown forms representing future tech and the combination of this with a form that conveys movement. Through out this design process I wasn't designing towards any single type of spaceship, plane, truck, car etc. 

I've been designing by overlaying images of interest and then drawing over them. The above image is mostly composed of engines. 

There have been varying degrees of success with this process. I created many forms that were far to ambiguous and or naff which are not included above. Overall I am very happy with some of the designs that this relatively simple and quick process produced. I could have picked one of several of these to develop further. 

I've decide to delve into the above vehicle design. I'm interested in how well i'll be able to translate this random information into a 3d model. Also I'll have to do allot of 3D concepting and generally create entire new sections of the vehicle in 3D as many areas aren't visible. I've done very little of this before and i'm interested in developing this skill.