Sunday, 26 January 2014

Visual Design:Evil Character Design (Augmented Reality)

This was our first chance to be creative and go mad. But I felt due to the quality of out put up to this point that it would be unwise to pick a design which would be difficult to reference. As being able to easily make and or fined references would be key to how difficult it would be to  have a decent finale.

Because of this I decided early on that the design must be relatively grounded in reality. Also I believe that if a design can be perceived to exist, then it is inherently more relate able and therefore scarier.

My finale concept was an Evil Elf that's out to kill Santa. My finale depicts the Elf having snuck up to Santa in his sleep caressing Santas head in anticipation of his evil deed.  

Visual Design: Cars/ Still Life/ Pumping Station museum/ Space Centre

Since the Museum Finale, I think I have finally started to get this rendering malarkey. Currently the hole point is not to be be expressive and painterly. It's to try as hard as possible to get a photo realistic image, not a  nice drawing. Here there is no limit on time, except for maybe the ever increasing demands of other commitments.
If one was able to be expressive with their mark making and still come out with a highly realistic finale then their onto a winner. But currently working with this output in mined, is slow and meticulous. Where the first bunch of finales took about 1 to 3 hours, from this point onward this time has increased significantly to up to and over 5 maybe even 6 hours. 

Also post Still Life Project and the end of term review my preliminaries also have been cleaned up. There are now  no mistakes and there for no ugly pages allowed.

No scribbling!!!

But it doesn't take long to get really into this style of working, as daunting as it might be to get started, and as hard as it is to keep going 4 hours in, the out comes are often wort it.
Over these next few finales the quality of my finales increases significantly.


 Still Life

 Pumping Station

Space Center